Dr. PRP is a medical device exclusively designed for PRP separation.
Highly concentrated platelets by the Dr. PRP kit release large amounts of growth factors which are normally inside the platelets. A lot of released growth factors induces the therapy of damaged connective tissue rapidly and robustly. These growth factors may lead the stable regeneration of the damaged area by collecting the cells capable of wound therapy induction.
Dr. PRP Kit uses biocompatibility certified materials and the parts undergo gamma-ray sterilization according to ISO 13485 standards.
One Step Simplicity
With the one-kit system and double safety cap, Dr. PRP ensures zero contamination from surrounding air during the separation process.
Speed and Convenience
The Buffy coat layer can be easily and accurately identified by naked eye so you will have a precise sample of highly concentrated PRP.
High Concentration
Dr. PRP ensures you will have a high concentration of Platelets in your blood plasma sample after the first centrifuge itself.